Sunday, April 18, 2010


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Located in the North West European continental Asia - Europe, an area of 10,498,000 km 2 by 1 / 14 comprehensive land Earth, and by 1 / 4 area of Asia.

Geographical coordinates:

North Pole: nose Noockin 71o8 'B Xcandinavi Peninsula,

South Pole: 36o B Maroki Cape Peninsula Iberich

Pole line: 66o 12'D, after uranium in the northern ranges of the Lake of the Russian Federation.

Because the European position on the main domain in temperate 1 / 2 ex-North, only the coast and the northern islands in the welding zone domain.

Limit the Arctic north, west Atlantic; South bordering the Mediterranean, East Asia is separated from uranium by ranges, rivers, uranium, cable ca

European coast were cut much of the island and peninsula area more than 3,000,000 km2 (1 / 3 of the continent), facilitate the development of sea transport.

North: Arctic Ocean to the sea is dependent Baren and White Sea.

The West is the Atlantic continental shelf to the farm (100-250 m) extends into the coast of Britain, France, Holland, Denmark, Sweden ...and the narrow coast to the Gulf Iberich doo sale Bixcai 5098m deep, waves. On the continental shelf some islands and the sea side.
British Isles, the island of Ireland, Iceland island.
Between Britain and continental Europe is a sea strait Padocale Mangso with very narrow (31 km).

North Sea: limited by Britain, the islands Oocni, Setlen islands and the sea in northern Norway.

Located inland sea that separates the North Sea Bantich by selling doo Giutlen and Xcandinavi Peninsula.This la1 closed sea, salinity is very low (3.5% o), in many small island Bantich Sea and the Gulf (Gulf of Cambodian nuns, the Gulf of Finland), the bay near freezing during the winter.

Xcandinavi Peninsula is the largest peninsula in Europe, many TB coast Fio facilitate waterway, but the difficulty for traffic.

Hot Line North Atlantic sea heat coast of NW Europe, Norwegian Sea, the sea Baren.

Series Gronlen bring cold sea ice drifting down the coast of North America

The Nam Hai is DiaTrung, 37% o salinity and depth, relatively high temperatures.

DiaTrung Sea coast of Europe roundabout, many islands, peninsula and the sea side needs Apennin Peninsula, Bancang peninsula, Asia Minor peninsula, Tirene marine sea. Adriatique, Adriatique, Egie sea through the North Sea by the Strait and the Strait Boxpho Dacdanen, this is a sea strait between two Macmara long and narrow. Inside the Black Sea has Adop sea.Between the sea has many islands need Xixin island, island Xacdina, cord islands, island Cret.

Mediterranean through the Strait Gibranta Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and Red Sea canal Xuye, as the sea and international importance.
Europe SE Asia which is adjacent to the sea Caxpi.

a pre-commitment
Continental Europe, including one called the Russian Craton, also known as the Eastern Europe, Russia occupied the whole plain, and most current Xcandinavi Peninsula and the North Atlantic continent.

Caledonian Cycle: massif forming the edges of continental Europe as Phran Ioxip soil, clay, wool, Ireland, western England.

Xi ni hectares cycle: creating mountains and medium high land of central Europe stretching from Ireland to England via France to Czechoslovakia.

c-Mesozoic and the Tertiary
Alps Mobility paint to appear young mountainous Southern Europe with the direction T - E Pirene sequences include, Alps, Cacpat, Bancang Peninsula to Asia Minor and serial child with Mountain West Asia.North Atlantic Continental broken Mangso sea and created the British Isles.

Attached is folded and broken volcanic activity in Ireland, Iceland, the islands Setlen, Xcandinavi peninsula and especially in Southern Europe.

Proceedings impact of Quaternary ice has left many lakes and glacier moraine hill ranges in North Europe.

Affected by erosion is very strong, particularly the Nordic countries due to the ice surface of the continent should be cut a lot.

2/3 area of plains and low land stretching 200 meters, relatively flat, mainly in the east.

Third area is mountainous and central highlands of tup in the West, mostly low mountains towards the T-E and BN.
b-domain The terrain of Eastern Europe and Western Europe:

There are many patients run a high land interspersed with the low lands, the highest plateau of TB domain is Russia on the Kola Peninsula and lower toward the SE with the immediate Caxpi (_28m).

TB plains are hills area with thousands of lakes ice ice.

SE plains have many grooves and slots river valley

Topography of Western Europe: is complicated.

Northeastern Circuit Western Europe and the old mountain

Poland and the northern plains of Germany is a low hilly plains terrain vague high ripple 30m - 100m, coastal dunes is the outermost rim strip down and get the salt water lagoon. Miền này đang từ từ hạ xuống ( mỗi thế kỷ khoảng 10 cm ). This domain is slowly lowered (approximately 10 cm per century).

North West European region including Xcandinavi Peninsula, the North and Middle English, Irish terrain being cut by river valleys, the deep gulf kiou FiO borders. The terrain types are common glacial terrain, the mountains form errors, the three dan plateau.

Peninsula Xcandinavi mountain and plateau concentration in the West & TB, the highest mountain west (2469 m) slopes to the west were divided cut by the system FiO & River valley, east is the Great Plains each lower level down Botni Bay, south of the plateau south of Finland and Sweden with glacial lakes and moraine hills strip.

Mountainous Hecxini old (south-east by Poland and North Germany, including the massif has an average elevation: the mountainous south England, volume Zhongshan, China Germany, Czechoslovakia, between the massif is the plateau or basin.

Children located in the mountainous Southern Alps stretching from Europe, including the T-E T-E range direction and the direction arcs have sharp rugged peaks higher than 4500m slashing snow all year round.Between the high mountains, the plains and low mountains first: the plain medium and Da river downstream nuyp, plain S.Po.

Mountainous ranges of the Alps:

Alps Mountains: European bulky highest bending into arcs from the Mediterranean coast to threaten Switzerland with main directions of the highest E / T-tops Baishan (4810m) year-round snow, Alps has many deep valleys, several low passes should not obstruct traffic.

Sequence and the sequence Cacpat Bancang (extension to the east of the Alps range)

Bending the arc sequence Cacpat back turned to the east central plains embrace the highland Basin Danuyp Tranxinvanie 1500 km long 150 km wide high equipment from 1500 to 2000 m peak on the massif You Look 2663.

The sequence is also bent into arcs Bancang embrace Danuyp river downstream plains, the highest peak 2.925m.

Alps extend south to form mountains Iberich Peninsula, Peninsula and Peninsula Bancang Apennin.The peninsula is largely mountainous, plains account for only a small area of narrow, widely distributed in the limestone blocks.

Range 450 km long high Pirene average from 1500 to 2000 m at the French border. Spain - the most dangerous mountains in Europe.

Sequence length on sale Apennin daoApennin to the Mediterranean 1500-2000m high average relative complex terrain: central coast Adriatich Apennin many blocks and limestone Karst topography forms the southern shore Tirene shale hills are interspersed with blocks of limestone. Also along the coast is the ancient form and modern volcano (1277m Vesuvio volcano is about to re-spray 100nam a time).

Bancang peninsula along the coast ranges Adriatich PINDO and branches on the peninsula formed PeloponeXo folded limestone mountains interspersed with sandstone mountains third highest average of 2000-2500m, many types of difficult terrain Karst travel.

iii. Khoáng Sản Mineral
Rich, many mines have large reserves of food in the world, mostly concentrated in the mountainous and plain old Russia, most are coal, iron, oil and gas.

Coal: there are many in Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Russia

Iron: Focusing primarily on Eastern Europe in the area Krivoi-Roc (CH Ukraine), Cuocxoco (Russia) is the largest iron mines in the world.On the peninsula Iberich, Xcandinavi, Crum also had multiple areas of good iron mines.

OIL: In eastern and southern range-pat (Poland-Romania) East side of Cap-shift sequence (Russia).Vonga and Uran region is one where a lot of oil in the world. Southern Uranium has more iron and other metals.

There is also the peninsula Xcandinavi, chromium Bancang peninsula, most metal ores Iberich peninsula.

i.Overview of the European Climate
Mostly temperate, but the influence of the sea, terrain, Western Europe is temperate oceanic warm, peaceful the east as climate as continents move properties. Eastern Europe is temperate continental climate: hot and frozen down, but not harsh like other continents.

ii.The climatic factors
January: The heat level line running almost parallel to the direction of longitude (BN)

T +5 oC street level along the coast of England and France.

Take along the border east of mainland Australia are road-15oC temperature.So as to lower the temperature of the East.If you take the road to equality 5oC thermal-boundary region of cold winters, most Eastern European domain land is bitterly cold winter temperatures below-5oC, Western Europe is on-5oC temperature, in which 1 / 2 area with temperatures above 0 ° C, the temperature domain of the temperate ocean. It is the result of wind and temperate western North Atlantic ocean current.

July: The road running towards equality tropical latitudes (E-T), temperature decreases from south to north.+10 OC nhiett College Road runs along the Arctic coast almost identical to the North Pole region. Hầu hết lục địa Châu Âu có nhiệt độ trên 10oC. Most of continental Europe have a temperature above 10oC.Continental Europe in this period is a relatively hot summer.According to the convention if heat from street level to +20 oC boundary hot summer areas, the area south ½ & SE is hot summer and longer, moving SE toward higher temperatures.

In general, the distribution of temperatures in January and July of Europe has also shown a part of its nature and climate: An example

to tb thang \thanh pho equipment to lift bar cheese
Pari Paris
Praha Prague
Kiép Kiep
Vongagrat Vongagrat

Tháng 7 July

Tháng 1 January

Biên độ Amplitude
18o 18o

2 2

16 16
19o 19o

-2 -2

21 21
19o 19o

-6 -6

25 25
14o 14o

-10 -10

34 34

The temperature distribution in January and July in the table above shows that in Western Europe is not very cold in winter, cool summer, small amplitude, as to Eastern Europe, became the hot summer, cold winters to many , large amplitude.

* Air pressure and wind
Jan.: Winter in the far north ½ Xibia pressure covering the eastern and southern Europe are bonded to A-XO pressure off the Atlantic.At the same time, Iceland is also developing low pressure covers the entire NW European domain.Between these two pressure zones formed FP - where the generation of vortex shifted towards TN - DB. Wind mainly in Western Europe is the wind and the Southwest, carrying more water vapor, cold, overcast sky, there to bring rain and cold fog.SE domain wind cold dry South and Southeast Asia from blowing through the continent.

July: Summer in the far north ½ a low pressure area covering central Europe.Icelandic ocean low pressure smaller, high pressure A-spring development and a little north to cover both the Central and Southern Europe.
Wind mainly in Western Europe and northwest winds that carry rain clouds and deep into the continent as dry as. Miền Nam Âu chủ yếu là gió Đông và Đông Bắc. South Eastern Europe mainly wind and Northeast.

P is relatively abundant from 500-1000 mm, 1/2 area of Europe where rainfall is at or above 1000 mm, rainfall decreases from E/T to calculate the variation depends on the temperate west wind.

Most rain Southern Atlantic coastal western Norway, England, the west side of Pirenee, Alps, the average rainfall is 2000 mm.The high place of purchase hon 3000-4000 mm (West temperate breezes).

The sea as far away Cacpat, Bancang, Secondary purchase of paint is also pretty high on the 1000 mm distributed evenly throughout the year.

Russia plateau from 500-600 mm of rainfall mainly in summer, buy the smallest amount in SE Russia and plains lowland mieon access Caxpi 160 mm - 250 mm (mainly because this domain is located in the South Asian high pressure European wind dry South and Southeast Asia from blowing through the continent.

These zones such as east winds hindered Xcandinavi Peninsula, far north Iberich and Europe as well rain P: 300-500 mm / year.

iii.The regional climate

a-polar region and sub-polar climate

Short cool summer, sun and rain cloud always has a small, small amount of buying an average 300-500 mm / year, year-round low temperature, low humidity most of the land, turned into swamps.


b.Southern temperate oceanic and temperate continental

Temperate marine:

A temperate oceanic climate typical warm winter, cool summer, average temperatures usually above 0 ° C in January.rain more and rain throughout the year, more than 2000 mm, the snow only in a time ngan.O Ireland in January average temperature: +5 oC in July: +15 oC, grassland husbandry development.

In inland eastern countries like France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland ...Nature of the continent increased, so have intermediate climate, not too cold but not as coastal temperate Western Europe, the amplitude increases from west to east.

January Amplitude

Berlin 19o 0o 19o Cable Holder Cap lin 0o 19o 19o

Vacsave 19o -4o 23o Vac-sa and 19o 23o 4o

Purchase amount is gradually reduced, proper development of temperate forests.

Temperate continental climate:

Land consists mostly of Eastern Europe - cold winters, hot summer, more to the extreme east of nature as manifested clearly.Temperature amplitude is very large, o Cthang 7:19 Moscow May 1:-10oC, P also decreases from west to east.

Winter is very cold and long, sometimes cold air waves tuphuong North came down, severe cold weather, night temperatures from-20oC, - 30oC ....

Summer is hot dry plains in southeast Russia, a strong influence to agricultural production.

Including southern Europe, fierce summer heat, dry, warm and wet winter. Temperatures above 0 ° C coldest month.
January temperatures average 50 to 10oC, the temperature in July: 25 ° C, average rainfall: 500 mm / year, mainly in winter
Suitable for growing grapes, citrus, olive.

- Many rivers, most rivers are relatively small.
- Due to topography, climate, both Eastern Europe and Western Europe have so many different characters density, length and mode of rivers in each domain is different.

ii.Eastern European rivers
South Eastern Europe accounts for a large area (2 / 3 of the continent), low topography, flat run towards patients, there are 1300 km long river - 3500 km, little river rapids.The river originated from the high lands (170 m - 200 m), the river freezes in winter, big floods in the spring, the lowest water level in summer.

The river is relatively large:

Petchora River, Northern Dvina River flows into the Arctic Ocean.

Western Dvina River flows into the sea Bantich.

Application river, flowing in Adop Doniep and Black Sea.

Vonga river, flowing into Caxpi uranium.

The river is mostly connected by the canal system, should be of great value for transportation, from the Mediterranean to the area, from Caxpi to the White Sea or the area.

Most important is Europe's longest river Vonga 3600 km, direction mainly TD. Average discharge downstream is 8.000m3 / s now has a series of hydroelectric dams built on rivers Vonga (Goocki 500,000 kw), Sebo Xari 1 MKw, MKw Cubisep 2).Also Vonga river has abundant fishery resources.The river has many large cities Vonga Calinin, Goocki, Ulianop, Vongagrat.

iii.Western Rivers
Compared to Eastern Europe, Western Europe warm, rainfall is more plentiful so dense network of rivers, most of the small river.

Pour into the Atlantic Ocean: Odo river, river Enbo, Raino river, the river Loa, Garon river, the river year around this river Add more water, water conditioning preparations.

Fill out the Mediterranean: the river Ebro, Ron River, Po River, river Tibro Municipality.These waves are erratic water processing, water levels highest in winter and lowest in summer.

Middle and downstream sections of rivers in Western Europe is of great value for transportation: river Danuyp, Raino rivers, and rivers of England, France and Germany are very important waterways in the interiorUpper part of the Alps mountain, Xcandinan Peninsula, is of great value to hydro power.

Danuyp 2850 km long river, originating from the eastern slopes of the Black Forest mountains above 1100 m elevation, flows South East vahuong then poured into the Black Sea

In the upstream nature of the Alps mountain river, the river has a maximum flow in spring by melting snow, through the alley after the forest regions Boheme, less steep river, flowing and spreading crooked into several large branches on the central plains and river downstream Danuyyp.Section downstream, the river water is often less in summer due to strong evaporation, this section also receives many tributaries from the Alps, Cacpat, Bancang reaches, the river bottom in a lovely bay that it has enriched the old line sa.

This is the river is of great importance in the communications between muoc Central and Eastern Europe (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria).

On the circuit Alps also have some big lakes formed by fractured phenomenon combined with the effects of lake ice as Gonevo, Congtang, Léman,these families is of great value for transportation, fishing and resorts of Europe.

5.Those natural landscape
European domain in temperate and rainfall should, animals and nature in this domain rich domain than the same latitude.More to the east, rainfall decreases vegetation provides less mobile.Temperate forests in general constitute the majority of the area, and steppe and semi desert occupies a narrow range in the Southeast.

i.Greater resources
3% of the area occupied Europe, including the islands north coast of the Arctic domain.Cold climate, long winters, very short summer, the temperature in July did not exceed 10oC, with thick snow cover, land into marshes, so that plants only mosses and lichens.South of the plant is dwarf birch, willow, dwarf polar domain, summer is short but very fast grass of some kind of colorful, raw as live radio again.

Animals have all kinds of weasels, sea elephants, polar bears ... Summer there are many types of migratory birds to live like geese, ducks ... have been exploring this region, rather raw scene dMyi stations each day.

ii Domain coniferous forest (Taiga)
Development on a very large area stretching from the peninsula to Xcandinavi uranium, from south to 55oB original radio domain, very cold winters, hot water falling down quite a lot, conifers thrive, typical is the type of information, parts, pressing.Southern broadleaf trees appear as style, Bo ... Podon land mainly poor soil humus, with high acidity.

Animals have all kinds of hair thick and beautiful like squirrels, brown bears, some retired temperate deer. Rừng và đầm lầy có nhiều loài chim. Forests and wetlands have many birds.This domain has become the domain discovery and industrial wood and timber processing of European importance.

iii.Southern mixed forest and broadleaf fores

Occupying the largest area, including most of Western Europe's land and a part of Eastern Europe, stretching from west to east, more and more to narrow east and south ends of the range of uranium, north to 60oB, the Cacpat and ranges as far south Mediterranean domain.Warm winter, hot summer, rainfall, vegetation is conifer and broadleaf mixed as information grows, parts, pressing, oak, rags, Bo ....

CHANGE Atlantic coast is temperate oceanic climate typical vegetation types are mainly oak, rags and other broadleaf trees green year round.More to the eastern continental rise, the type of birch and thrive.Land is mainly brown forest soil and soil chemical Pot Glay brittle.

This domain has been thoroughly explore, become a field of wheat, sugar beets large. Forests remain only on the high slopes, has virtually extinct only a few species such as bears, wolves, ...the cattle, sheep and very convenient.

iv.Domain forest steppe and steppe

In the South East European continental arid climate, low rainfall, evaporation much. Vegetation is mainly grasses and sparse woods.Moisture over northern high and thick grass, trees grow in forests, the southern more arid climate, sparse grass.Animals are rodents, such as hares, mouse jumping and many birds (flamingo, cauldrons, cranes, multi, flute ...).

This domain is Tsecnodiom fertile black soil, so most of the area has been turned into fields of wheat and maize, in addition we also grow sunflower, sugar beet and fruit trees.

v.Southern tropical dry access

About 11% of European area, including the coastal ranges of the peninsula of land Iberich, Apennin, Bancang Dio and some islands in the Mediterranean.Plants, including trees and evergreen leaves in winter as deciduous oaks, rags, informed ... Common land is subtropical dry forest brown soil.Animals relatively abundant in the royal forests, wolves, porcupines, hares ...Southern Peninsula Iberich more like North African monkeys, birds and many reptiles.

Due to the climate, people have turned the place was well watered the olive tree forests and fertile vineyards.

vi.South 1 / 2 desert and desert

Development in the extreme eastern South East Europe, in the low lands close Caxpi very dry climate.P: 300 mm / year, almost no rivers.Sparse vegetation, many trees and thorns grow pomegranate trees as he is, cactus, ...Animals have many varieties of animals including steppe rodents such as hares, rodents, reptiles such as lizards, snakes, tortoise ...


Plants and animals change with altitude, the subtropical foothills domain is for vineyards and lush gardens, on mountain slopes from 800m - 1800m domain is coniferous forests, from 1800m upwards, sparse vegetation gradually, the trees and grass instead of forests.Domain also has many flower meadows, beautiful colors, higher than the barren land, permanent ice and snow over 3000m cuu.Many things alpine animals like deer, antelope, eagles, lizards.Coniferous forest domain gray bear, bird forests, most versatile, open-type bird. This domain has many beautiful landscapes and tourist resorts.

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